]> git.nihav.org Git - nihav-player.git/blob - nihed-cros-libva/src/display.rs
[nihav-player.git] / nihed-cros-libva / src / display.rs
1 // Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 use std::ffi::CStr;
6 use std::fs::File;
7 use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
8 use std::path::Path;
9 use std::path::PathBuf;
10 use std::rc::Rc;
12 use crate::bindings;
13 use crate::config::Config;
14 use crate::context::Context;
15 use crate::formats::{RTFormat, VAFourcc};
16 use crate::status::*;
17 use crate::surface::Surface;
18 use crate::UsageHints;
20 /// Iterates over existing DRM devices.
21 ///
22 /// DRM devices can be passed to [`Display::open_drm_display`] in order to create a `Display` on
23 /// that device.
24 pub struct DrmDeviceIterator {
25 cur_idx: usize,
26 }
28 const DRM_NODE_DEFAULT_PREFIX: &str = "/dev/dri/renderD";
29 const DRM_NUM_NODES: usize = 64;
30 const DRM_RENDER_NODE_START: usize = 128;
32 impl Default for DrmDeviceIterator {
33 fn default() -> Self {
34 Self {
36 }
37 }
38 }
40 impl Iterator for DrmDeviceIterator {
41 type Item = PathBuf;
43 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
44 match self.cur_idx {
45 idx if idx >= DRM_RENDER_NODE_START + DRM_NUM_NODES => None,
46 idx => {
47 let path = PathBuf::from(format!("{}{}", DRM_NODE_DEFAULT_PREFIX, idx));
48 if !path.exists() {
49 None
50 } else {
51 self.cur_idx += 1;
52 Some(path)
53 }
54 }
55 }
56 }
57 }
59 /// A VADisplay opened over DRM.
60 ///
61 /// A Display is the starting point to using libva. This struct is essentially a safe wrapper over
62 /// `VADisplay`, from which [`Surface`]s and [`Context`]s can be allocated in order to perform
63 /// actual work using [`Display::create_surfaces`] and [`Display::create_context`], respectively.
64 ///
65 /// Although libva offers several ways to create a display, this struct currently only supports
66 /// opening through DRM. It may be extended to support other display types (X11, Wayland) in the
67 /// future.
68 pub struct Display {
69 /// Handle to interact with the underlying `VADisplay`.
70 handle: bindings::VADisplay,
71 /// DRM file that must be kept open while the display is in use.
72 #[allow(dead_code)]
73 drm_file: File,
74 }
76 impl Display {
77 /// Opens and initializes a specific DRM `Display`.
78 ///
79 /// `path` is the path to a DRM device that supports VAAPI, e.g. `/dev/dri/renderD128`.
80 pub fn open_drm_display<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> VAResult<Rc<Self>> {
81 let file = std::fs::File::options()
82 .read(true)
83 .write(true)
84 .open(path.as_ref())
85 .map_err(|_| VAError::InvalidValue)?;
87 // Safe because fd represents a valid file descriptor and the pointer is checked for
88 // NULL afterwards.
89 let display = unsafe { bindings::vaGetDisplayDRM(file.as_raw_fd()) };
90 if display.is_null() {
91 // The File will close the DRM fd on drop.
92 return Err(VAError::InvalidDisplay);
93 }
95 let mut major = 0i32;
96 let mut minor = 0i32;
97 // Safe because we ensure that the display is valid (i.e not NULL) before calling
98 // vaInitialize. The File will close the DRM fd on drop.
99 (unsafe { bindings::vaInitialize(display, &mut major, &mut minor) }).check()?;
101 Ok(Rc::new(Self {
102 handle: display,
103 drm_file: file,
104 }))
105 }
107 /// Opens the first device that succeeds and returns its `Display`.
108 ///
109 /// If an error occurs on a given device, it is ignored and the next one is tried until one
110 /// succeeds or we reach the end of the iterator.
111 pub fn open() -> Option<Rc<Self>> {
112 let devices = DrmDeviceIterator::default();
114 // Try all the DRM devices until one succeeds.
115 for device in devices {
116 if let Ok(display) = Self::open_drm_display(device) {
117 return Some(display);
118 }
119 }
121 None
122 }
124 /// Returns the handle of this display.
125 pub(crate) fn handle(&self) -> bindings::VADisplay {
126 self.handle
127 }
129 /// Queries supported profiles by this display.
130 pub fn query_config_profiles(&self) -> VAResult<Vec<bindings::VAProfile::Type>> {
131 // Safe because `self` represents a valid VADisplay.
132 let mut max_num_profiles = unsafe { bindings::vaMaxNumProfiles(self.handle) };
133 let mut profiles = Vec::with_capacity(max_num_profiles as usize);
135 // Safe because `self` represents a valid `VADisplay` and the vector has `max_num_profiles`
136 // as capacity.
137 (unsafe {
138 bindings::vaQueryConfigProfiles(
139 self.handle,
140 profiles.as_mut_ptr(),
141 &mut max_num_profiles,
142 )
143 })
144 .check()?;
146 // Safe because `profiles` is allocated with a `max_num_profiles` capacity and
147 // `vaQueryConfigProfiles` wrote the actual number of profiles to `max_num_entrypoints`.
148 unsafe {
149 profiles.set_len(max_num_profiles as usize);
150 };
152 Ok(profiles)
153 }
155 /// Returns a string describing some aspects of the VA implemenation on the specific hardware
156 /// accelerator used by this display.
157 ///
158 /// The format of the returned string is vendor specific and at the discretion of the
159 /// implementer. e.g. for the Intel GMA500 implementation, an example would be: `Intel GMA500 -
160 ///`.
161 pub fn query_vendor_string(&self) -> std::result::Result<String, &'static str> {
162 // Safe because `self` represents a valid VADisplay.
163 let vendor_string = unsafe { bindings::vaQueryVendorString(self.handle) };
165 if vendor_string.is_null() {
166 return Err("vaQueryVendorString() returned NULL");
167 }
169 // Safe because we check the whether the vendor_String pointer is NULL
170 Ok(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(vendor_string) }
171 .to_string_lossy()
172 .to_string())
173 }
175 /// Query supported entrypoints for a given profile.
176 pub fn query_config_entrypoints(
177 &self,
178 profile: bindings::VAProfile::Type,
179 ) -> VAResult<Vec<bindings::VAEntrypoint::Type>> {
180 // Safe because `self` represents a valid VADisplay.
181 let mut max_num_entrypoints = unsafe { bindings::vaMaxNumEntrypoints(self.handle) };
182 let mut entrypoints = Vec::with_capacity(max_num_entrypoints as usize);
184 // Safe because `self` represents a valid VADisplay and the vector has `max_num_entrypoints`
185 // as capacity.
186 (unsafe {
187 bindings::vaQueryConfigEntrypoints(
188 self.handle,
189 profile,
190 entrypoints.as_mut_ptr(),
191 &mut max_num_entrypoints,
192 )
193 })
194 .check()?;
196 // Safe because `entrypoints` is allocated with a `max_num_entrypoints` capacity, and
197 // `vaQueryConfigEntrypoints` wrote the actual number of entrypoints to
198 // `max_num_entrypoints`
199 unsafe {
200 entrypoints.set_len(max_num_entrypoints as usize);
201 }
203 Ok(entrypoints)
204 }
206 /// Writes attributes for a given `profile`/`entrypoint` pair into `attributes`.
207 ///
208 /// Entries of `attributes` must have their `type_` member initialized to the desired attribute
209 /// to retrieve.
210 pub fn get_config_attributes(
211 &self,
212 profile: bindings::VAProfile::Type,
213 entrypoint: bindings::VAEntrypoint::Type,
214 attributes: &mut [bindings::VAConfigAttrib],
215 ) -> VAResult<()> {
216 // Safe because `self` represents a valid VADisplay. The slice length is passed to the C
217 // function, so it is impossible to write past the end of the slice's storage by mistake.
218 (unsafe {
219 bindings::vaGetConfigAttributes(
220 self.handle,
221 profile,
222 entrypoint,
223 attributes.as_mut_ptr(),
224 attributes.len() as i32,
225 )
226 })
227 .check()
228 }
230 /// Creates `Surface`s by wrapping around a `vaCreateSurfaces` call.
231 ///
232 /// # Arguments
233 ///
234 /// * `rt_format` - The desired surface format.
235 /// * `va_fourcc` - The desired pixel format (optional). See `VA_FOURCC_*`
236 /// * `width` - Width for the create surfaces
237 /// * `height` - Height for the created surfaces
238 /// * `usage_hint` - Optional hint of intended usage to optimize allocation (e.g. tiling)
239 /// * `num_surfaces` - Number of surfaces to create
240 pub fn create_surfaces(
241 self: &Rc<Self>,
242 rt_format: RTFormat,
243 va_fourcc: Option<VAFourcc>,
244 width: u32,
245 height: u32,
246 usage_hints: Option<UsageHints>,
247 num_surfaces: u32,
248 ) -> VAResult<Vec<Surface>> {
249 Surface::new(
250 Rc::clone(self),
251 rt_format,
252 va_fourcc,
253 width,
254 height,
255 usage_hints,
256 num_surfaces,
257 )
258 }
260 /// Creates a `Context` by wrapping around a `vaCreateContext` call.
261 ///
262 /// # Arguments
263 ///
264 /// * `config` - The configuration for the context
265 /// * `coded_width` - The coded picture width
266 /// * `coded_height` - The coded picture height
267 /// * `surfaces` - Optional hint for the amount of surfaces tied to the context
268 /// * `progressive` - Whether only progressive frame pictures are present in the sequence
269 pub fn create_context(
270 self: &Rc<Self>,
271 config: &Config,
272 coded_width: i32,
273 coded_height: i32,
274 surfaces: Option<&Vec<Surface>>,
275 progressive: bool,
276 ) -> VAResult<Rc<Context>> {
277 Context::new(
278 Rc::clone(self),
279 config,
280 coded_width,
281 coded_height,
282 surfaces,
283 progressive,
284 )
285 }
287 /// Creates a `Config` by wrapping around the `vaCreateConfig` call.
288 ///
289 /// `attrs` describe the attributes to set for this config. A list of the supported attributes
290 /// for a given profile/entrypoint pair can be retrieved using
291 /// [`Display::get_config_attributes`]. Other attributes will take their default values, and
292 /// `attrs` can be empty in order to obtain a default configuration.
293 pub fn create_config(
294 self: &Rc<Self>,
295 attrs: Vec<bindings::VAConfigAttrib>,
296 profile: bindings::VAProfile::Type,
297 entrypoint: bindings::VAEntrypoint::Type,
298 ) -> VAResult<Config> {
299 Config::new(Rc::clone(self), attrs, profile, entrypoint)
300 }
302 /// Returns available image formats for this display by wrapping around `vaQueryImageFormats`.
303 pub fn query_image_formats(&self) -> VAResult<Vec<bindings::VAImageFormat>> {
304 // Safe because `self` represents a valid VADisplay.
305 let mut num_image_formats = unsafe { bindings::vaMaxNumImageFormats(self.handle) };
306 let mut image_formats = Vec::with_capacity(num_image_formats as usize);
308 // Safe because `self` represents a valid VADisplay. The `image_formats` vector is properly
309 // initialized and a valid size is passed to the C function, so it is impossible to write
310 // past the end of their storage by mistake.
311 (unsafe {
312 bindings::vaQueryImageFormats(
313 self.handle,
314 image_formats.as_mut_ptr(),
315 &mut num_image_formats,
316 )
317 })
318 .check()?;
320 // Safe because the C function will have written exactly `num_image_format` entries, which
321 // is known to be within the vector's capacity.
322 unsafe {
323 image_formats.set_len(num_image_formats as usize);
324 }
326 Ok(image_formats)
327 }
328 }
330 impl Drop for Display {
331 fn drop(&mut self) {
332 // Safe because `self` represents a valid VADisplay.
333 unsafe {
334 bindings::vaTerminate(self.handle);
335 // The File will close the DRM fd on drop.
336 }
337 }
338 }