--- /dev/null
+//! Simple PNM image writers for RGB and YUV images.
+use std::io::prelude::*;
+use std::fs::File;
+use nihav_core::frame::{NABufferType, NAFrameRef};
+/// Writes PGMYUV for input frame.
+pub fn write_pgmyuv(name: &str, frm: NAFrameRef) -> std::io::Result<()> {
+ if let NABufferType::None = frm.get_buffer() { return Ok(()); }
+ let mut ofile = File::create(name)?;
+ let buf = frm.get_buffer().get_vbuf().unwrap();
+ let is_flipped = buf.get_info().is_flipped();
+ let (w, h) = buf.get_dimensions(0);
+ let (w2, h2) = buf.get_dimensions(1);
+ let full_w = w2 * 2 > w;
+ let has_alpha = buf.get_info().get_format().has_alpha();
+ let mut tot_h = h + h2;
+ if has_alpha {
+ tot_h += h;
+ }
+ if full_w {
+ tot_h += h2;
+ }
+ let hdr = format!("P5\n{} {}\n255\n", w, tot_h);
+ ofile.write_all(hdr.as_bytes())?;
+ let dta = buf.get_data();
+ let ls = buf.get_stride(0);
+ let pad: Vec<u8> = vec![0xFF; if !full_w { (w - w2 * 2) / 2 } else { w - w2 } ];
+ if !is_flipped {
+ let ylines = dta.chunks(ls).take(h);
+ for line in ylines {
+ ofile.write_all(&line[..w])?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let ylines = dta[..h * ls].chunks(ls).rev();
+ for line in ylines {
+ ofile.write_all(&line[..w])?;
+ }
+ }
+ let base1 = buf.get_offset(1);
+ let stride1 = buf.get_stride(1);
+ let base2 = buf.get_offset(2);
+ let stride2 = buf.get_stride(2);
+ let u = &dta[base1..][..h2*stride1];
+ let v = &dta[base2..][..h2*stride2];
+ let has_chroma = stride1 > 0 && stride2 > 0;
+ if !full_w && has_chroma {
+ if !is_flipped {
+ for (uline, vline) in u.chunks(stride1).zip(v.chunks(stride2)) {
+ ofile.write_all(&uline[..w2])?;
+ ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice())?;
+ ofile.write_all(&vline[..w2])?;
+ ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (uline, vline) in u.chunks(stride1).rev().zip(v.chunks(stride2).rev()) {
+ ofile.write_all(&uline[..w2])?;
+ ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice())?;
+ ofile.write_all(&vline[..w2])?;
+ ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if has_chroma {
+ if !is_flipped {
+ for uline in u.chunks(stride1) {
+ ofile.write_all(&uline[..w2])?;
+ ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ for vline in v.chunks(stride2) {
+ ofile.write_all(&vline[..w2])?;
+ ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for uline in u.chunks(stride1).rev() {
+ ofile.write_all(&uline[..w2])?;
+ ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ for vline in v.chunks(stride2).rev() {
+ ofile.write_all(&vline[..w2])?;
+ ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if has_alpha {
+ let ls = buf.get_stride(3);
+ let mut idx = buf.get_offset(3);
+ let mut idx2 = idx + w;
+ for _ in 0..h {
+ let line = &dta[idx..idx2];
+ ofile.write_all(line)?;
+ idx += ls;
+ idx2 += ls;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Writes output PPM for input paletted input frame.
+pub fn write_palppm(name: &str, frm: NAFrameRef) -> std::io::Result<()> {
+ if let NABufferType::None = frm.get_buffer() { return Ok(()); }
+ let mut ofile = File::create(name)?;
+ let buf = frm.get_buffer().get_vbuf().unwrap();
+ let (w, h) = buf.get_dimensions(0);
+ let paloff = buf.get_offset(1);
+ let hdr = format!("P6\n{} {}\n255\n", w, h);
+ ofile.write_all(hdr.as_bytes())?;
+ let dta = buf.get_data();
+ let ls = buf.get_stride(0);
+ let offs: [usize; 3] = [
+ buf.get_info().get_format().get_chromaton(0).unwrap().get_offset() as usize,
+ buf.get_info().get_format().get_chromaton(1).unwrap().get_offset() as usize,
+ buf.get_info().get_format().get_chromaton(2).unwrap().get_offset() as usize
+ ];
+ let flipped = buf.get_info().is_flipped();
+ let mut idx = if !flipped { 0 } else { ls * h };
+ let mut line: Vec<u8> = vec![0; w * 3];
+ for _ in 0..h {
+ if flipped {
+ idx -= ls;
+ }
+ let src = &dta[idx..(idx+w)];
+ for x in 0..w {
+ let pix = src[x] as usize;
+ line[x * 3 + 0] = dta[paloff + pix * 3 + offs[0]];
+ line[x * 3 + 1] = dta[paloff + pix * 3 + offs[1]];
+ line[x * 3 + 2] = dta[paloff + pix * 3 + offs[2]];
+ }
+ ofile.write_all(line.as_slice())?;
+ if !flipped {
+ idx += ls;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Writes PPM file for RGB input.
+pub fn write_rgbppm(name: &str, frm: NAFrameRef) -> std::io::Result<()> {
+ if let NABufferType::None = frm.get_buffer() { return Ok(()); }
+ let mut ofile = File::create(name)?;
+ let info = frm.get_buffer().get_video_info().unwrap();
+ let flipped = info.is_flipped();
+ let buffer = frm.get_buffer();
+ if let Some(ref buf) = buffer.get_vbuf() {
+ let (w, h) = buf.get_dimensions(0);
+ let hdr = format!("P6\n{} {}\n255\n", w, h);
+ ofile.write_all(hdr.as_bytes())?;
+ let dta = buf.get_data();
+ let stride = buf.get_stride(0);
+ let offs: [usize; 3] = [
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(0).unwrap().get_offset() as usize,
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(1).unwrap().get_offset() as usize,
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(2).unwrap().get_offset() as usize
+ ];
+ let step = info.get_format().get_elem_size() as usize;
+ let mut line: Vec<u8> = vec![0; w * 3];
+ if !flipped {
+ for src in dta.chunks(stride) {
+ for x in 0..w {
+ line[x * 3 + 0] = src[x * step + offs[0]];
+ line[x * 3 + 1] = src[x * step + offs[1]];
+ line[x * 3 + 2] = src[x * step + offs[2]];
+ }
+ ofile.write_all(line.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for src in dta[..stride * h].chunks(stride).rev() {
+ for x in 0..w {
+ line[x * 3 + 0] = src[x * step + offs[0]];
+ line[x * 3 + 1] = src[x * step + offs[1]];
+ line[x * 3 + 2] = src[x * step + offs[2]];
+ }
+ ofile.write_all(line.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let NABufferType::Video16(ref buf) = buffer {
+ let (w, h) = buf.get_dimensions(0);
+ let hdr = format!("P6\n{} {}\n255\n", w, h);
+ ofile.write_all(hdr.as_bytes())?;
+ let dta = buf.get_data();
+ let stride = buf.get_stride(0);
+ let depths: [u8; 3] = [
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(0).unwrap().get_depth(),
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(1).unwrap().get_depth(),
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(2).unwrap().get_depth()
+ ];
+ let masks: [u16; 3] = [
+ (1 << depths[0]) - 1,
+ (1 << depths[1]) - 1,
+ (1 << depths[2]) - 1
+ ];
+ let shifts: [u8; 3] = [
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(0).unwrap().get_shift(),
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(1).unwrap().get_shift(),
+ info.get_format().get_chromaton(2).unwrap().get_shift()
+ ];
+ let mut line: Vec<u8> = vec![0; w * 3];
+ if !flipped {
+ for src in dta.chunks(stride) {
+ for x in 0..w {
+ let elem = src[x];
+ let r = ((elem >> shifts[0]) & masks[0]) << (8 - depths[0]);
+ let g = ((elem >> shifts[1]) & masks[1]) << (8 - depths[1]);
+ let b = ((elem >> shifts[2]) & masks[2]) << (8 - depths[2]);
+ line[x * 3 + 0] = r as u8;
+ line[x * 3 + 1] = g as u8;
+ line[x * 3 + 2] = b as u8;
+ }
+ ofile.write_all(line.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for src in dta[..h * stride].chunks(stride).rev() {
+ for x in 0..w {
+ let elem = src[x];
+ let r = ((elem >> shifts[0]) & masks[0]) << (8 - depths[0]);
+ let g = ((elem >> shifts[1]) & masks[1]) << (8 - depths[1]);
+ let b = ((elem >> shifts[2]) & masks[2]) << (8 - depths[2]);
+ line[x * 3 + 0] = r as u8;
+ line[x * 3 + 1] = g as u8;
+ line[x * 3 + 2] = b as u8;
+ }
+ ofile.write_all(line.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+panic!(" unhandled buf format");
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Writes PNM file with a format depending on input format.
+pub fn write_pnm(pfx: &str, strno: usize, num: u64, frm: NAFrameRef) -> std::io::Result<()> {
+ if let NABufferType::None = frm.get_buffer() { return Ok(()); }
+ let vinfo = frm.get_buffer().get_video_info().unwrap();
+ if vinfo.get_format().is_paletted() {
+ let name = format!("{}{:02}_{:06}.ppm", pfx, strno, num);
+ write_palppm(name.as_str(), frm)
+ } else if vinfo.get_format().get_model().is_yuv() {
+ let name = format!("{}{:02}_{:06}.pgm", pfx, strno, num);
+ write_pgmyuv(name.as_str(), frm)
+ } else if vinfo.get_format().get_model().is_rgb() {
+ let name = format!("{}{:02}_{:06}.ppm", pfx, strno, num);
+ write_rgbppm(name.as_str(), frm)
+ } else {
+panic!(" unknown format");
+ }
//! Routines for testing decoders.
use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::prelude::*;
use nihav_core::frame::*;
use nihav_core::codecs::*;
use nihav_core::demuxers::*;
//use nihav_core::io::byteio::*;
-use nihav_core::scale::*;
+//use nihav_core::scale::*;
use super::wavwriter::WavWriter;
use super::md5::MD5;
+use crate::imgwrite::write_pnm;
pub use super::ExpectedTestResult;
-const OUTPUT_PREFIX: &str = "assets/test_out";
-fn write_pgmyuv(pfx: &str, strno: usize, num: u64, frm: NAFrameRef) {
- if let NABufferType::None = frm.get_buffer() { return; }
- let name = format!("{}/{}out{:02}_{:06}.pgm", OUTPUT_PREFIX, pfx, strno, num);
- let mut ofile = File::create(name).unwrap();
- let buf = frm.get_buffer().get_vbuf().unwrap();
- let (w, h) = buf.get_dimensions(0);
- let (w2, h2) = buf.get_dimensions(1);
- let has_alpha = buf.get_info().get_format().has_alpha();
- let mut tot_h = h + h2;
- if has_alpha {
- tot_h += h;
- }
- if w2 > w/2 {
- tot_h += h2;
- }
- let hdr = format!("P5\n{} {}\n255\n", w, tot_h);
- ofile.write_all(hdr.as_bytes()).unwrap();
- let dta = buf.get_data();
- let ls = buf.get_stride(0);
- let mut idx = 0;
- let mut idx2 = w;
- let is_flipped = buf.get_info().is_flipped();
- if is_flipped {
- idx += h * ls;
- idx2 += h * ls;
- }
- for _ in 0..h {
- if is_flipped {
- idx -= ls;
- idx2 -= ls;
- }
- let line = &dta[idx..idx2];
- ofile.write_all(line).unwrap();
- if !is_flipped {
- idx += ls;
- idx2 += ls;
- }
- }
- if w2 <= w/2 {
- let pad: Vec<u8> = vec![0xFF; (w - w2 * 2) / 2];
- let mut base1 = buf.get_offset(1);
- let stride1 = buf.get_stride(1);
- let mut base2 = buf.get_offset(2);
- let stride2 = buf.get_stride(2);
- if is_flipped {
- base1 += h2 * stride1;
- base2 += h2 * stride2;
- }
- for _ in 0..h2 {
- if is_flipped {
- base1 -= stride1;
- base2 -= stride2;
- }
- let bend1 = base1 + w2;
- let line = &dta[base1..bend1];
- ofile.write_all(line).unwrap();
- ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice()).unwrap();
- let bend2 = base2 + w2;
- let line = &dta[base2..bend2];
- ofile.write_all(line).unwrap();
- ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice()).unwrap();
- if !is_flipped {
- base1 += stride1;
- base2 += stride2;
- }
- }
- } else {
- let pad: Vec<u8> = vec![0xFF; w - w2];
- let mut base1 = buf.get_offset(1);
- let stride1 = buf.get_stride(1);
- if is_flipped {
- base1 += h2 * stride1;
- }
- for _ in 0..h2 {
- if is_flipped {
- base1 -= stride1;
- }
- let bend1 = base1 + w2;
- let line = &dta[base1..bend1];
- ofile.write_all(line).unwrap();
- ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice()).unwrap();
- if !is_flipped {
- base1 += stride1;
- }
- }
- let mut base2 = buf.get_offset(2);
- let stride2 = buf.get_stride(2);
- if is_flipped {
- base2 += h2 * stride2;
- }
- for _ in 0..h2 {
- if is_flipped {
- base2 -= stride2;
- }
- let bend2 = base2 + w2;
- let line = &dta[base2..bend2];
- ofile.write_all(line).unwrap();
- ofile.write_all(pad.as_slice()).unwrap();
- if !is_flipped {
- base2 += stride2;
- }
- }
- }
- if has_alpha {
- let ls = buf.get_stride(3);
- let mut idx = buf.get_offset(3);
- let mut idx2 = idx + w;
- if is_flipped {
- idx += h * ls;
- idx2 += h * ls;
- }
- for _ in 0..h {
- if is_flipped {
- idx -= ls;
- idx2 -= ls;
- }
- let line = &dta[idx..idx2];
- ofile.write_all(line).unwrap();
- if !is_flipped {
- idx += ls;
- idx2 += ls;
- }
- }
- }
-fn write_palppm(pfx: &str, strno: usize, num: u64, frm: NAFrameRef) {
- let name = format!("{}/{}out{:02}_{:06}.ppm", OUTPUT_PREFIX, pfx, strno, num);
- let mut ofile = File::create(name).unwrap();
- let buf = frm.get_buffer().get_vbuf().unwrap();
- let (w, h) = buf.get_dimensions(0);
- let paloff = buf.get_offset(1);
- let hdr = format!("P6\n{} {}\n255\n", w, h);
- ofile.write_all(hdr.as_bytes()).unwrap();
- let dta = buf.get_data();
- let ls = buf.get_stride(0);
- let offs: [usize; 3] = [
- buf.get_info().get_format().get_chromaton(0).unwrap().get_offset() as usize,
- buf.get_info().get_format().get_chromaton(1).unwrap().get_offset() as usize,
- buf.get_info().get_format().get_chromaton(2).unwrap().get_offset() as usize
- ];
- let mut idx = 0;
- let mut line: Vec<u8> = vec![0; w * 3];
- for _ in 0..h {
- let src = &dta[idx..(idx+w)];
- for x in 0..w {
- let pix = src[x] as usize;
- line[x * 3 + 0] = dta[paloff + pix * 3 + offs[0]];
- line[x * 3 + 1] = dta[paloff + pix * 3 + offs[1]];
- line[x * 3 + 2] = dta[paloff + pix * 3 + offs[2]];
- }
- ofile.write_all(line.as_slice()).unwrap();
- idx += ls;
- }
-fn write_ppm(pfx: &str, strno: usize, num: u64, frm: NAFrameRef) {
- let name = format!("{}/{}out{:02}_{:06}.ppm", OUTPUT_PREFIX, pfx, strno, num);
- let mut ofile = File::create(name).unwrap();
- let info = frm.get_buffer().get_video_info().unwrap();
- let mut dpic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(info.get_width(), info.get_height(), false, RGB24_FORMAT), 0).unwrap();
- let ifmt = ScaleInfo { width: info.get_width(), height: info.get_height(), fmt: info.get_format() };
- let ofmt = ScaleInfo { width: info.get_width(), height: info.get_height(), fmt: RGB24_FORMAT };
- let mut scaler = NAScale::new(ifmt, ofmt).unwrap();
- scaler.convert(&frm.get_buffer(), &mut dpic).unwrap();
- let buf = dpic.get_vbuf().unwrap();
- let (w, h) = buf.get_dimensions(0);
- let hdr = format!("P6\n{} {}\n255\n", w, h);
- ofile.write_all(hdr.as_bytes()).unwrap();
- let dta = buf.get_data();
- let stride = buf.get_stride(0);
- for src in dta.chunks(stride) {
- ofile.write_all(&src[0..w*3]).unwrap();
- }
+const OUTPUT_PREFIX: &str = "assets/test_out/";
/*fn open_wav_out(pfx: &str, strno: usize) -> WavWriter {
let name = format!("assets/{}out{:02}.wav", pfx, strno);
let frm = dec.decode(dsupp, &pkt).unwrap();
if pkt.get_stream().get_info().is_video() && video_pfx.is_some() && frm.get_frame_type() != FrameType::Skip {
- let pfx = video_pfx.unwrap();
let pts = if let Some(fpts) = frm.get_pts() { fpts } else { pkt.get_pts().unwrap() };
- let vinfo = frm.get_buffer().get_video_info().unwrap();
- if vinfo.get_format().is_paletted() {
- write_palppm(pfx, streamno, pts, frm);
- } else if vinfo.get_format().get_model().is_yuv() {
- write_pgmyuv(pfx, streamno, pts, frm);
- } else if vinfo.get_format().get_model().is_rgb() {
- write_ppm(pfx, streamno, pts, frm);
- } else {
-panic!(" unknown format");
- }
+ let pfx = OUTPUT_PREFIX.to_owned() + video_pfx.unwrap_or("") + "out";
+ write_pnm(pfx.as_str(), streamno, pts, frm).unwrap();