]> git.nihav.org Git - nihav.git/blob - nihav-core/src/scale/mod.rs
core/scale: support packed YUV formats unpacking
[nihav.git] / nihav-core / src / scale / mod.rs
1 //! Image conversion functionality.
3 //! # Examples
4 //!
5 //! Convert input image into YUV one and scale down two times.
6 //! ```no_run
7 //! use nihav_core::scale::*;
8 //! use nihav_core::formats::{RGB24_FORMAT, YUV420_FORMAT};
9 //! use nihav_core::frame::{alloc_video_buffer, NAVideoInfo};
10 //!
11 //! let mut in_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(640, 480, false, RGB24_FORMAT), 4).unwrap();
12 //! let mut out_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(320, 240, false, YUV420_FORMAT), 4).unwrap();
13 //! let in_fmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&in_pic);
14 //! let out_fmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&out_pic);
15 //! let mut scaler = NAScale::new(in_fmt, out_fmt).unwrap();
16 //! scaler.convert(&in_pic, &mut out_pic).unwrap();
17 //! ```
18 use crate::frame::*;
20 mod kernel;
22 mod colorcvt;
23 mod repack;
24 #[allow(clippy::module_inception)]
25 mod scale;
27 mod palette;
29 pub use crate::scale::palette::{palettise_frame, QuantisationMode, PaletteSearchMode};
31 /// Image format information used by the converter.
32 #[derive(Clone,Copy,PartialEq)]
33 pub struct ScaleInfo {
34 /// Pixel format description.
35 pub fmt: NAPixelFormaton,
36 /// Image width.
37 pub width: usize,
38 /// Image height.
39 pub height: usize,
40 }
42 impl std::fmt::Display for ScaleInfo {
43 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
44 write!(f, "({}x{}, {})", self.width, self.height, self.fmt)
45 }
46 }
48 /// A list specifying general image conversion errors.
49 #[derive(Debug,Clone,Copy,PartialEq)]
50 #[allow(dead_code)]
51 pub enum ScaleError {
52 /// Input or output buffer contains no image data.
53 NoFrame,
54 /// Allocation failed.
55 AllocError,
56 /// Invalid argument.
57 InvalidArgument,
58 /// Feature is not implemented.
59 NotImplemented,
60 /// Internal implementation bug.
61 Bug,
62 }
64 /// A specialised `Result` type for image conversion operations.
65 pub type ScaleResult<T> = Result<T, ScaleError>;
67 /*trait Kernel {
68 fn init(&mut self, in_fmt: &ScaleInfo, dest_fmt: &ScaleInfo) -> ScaleResult<NABufferType>;
69 fn process(&mut self, pic_in: &NABufferType, pic_out: &mut NABufferType);
70 }*/
72 struct KernelDesc {
73 name: &'static str,
74 create: fn () -> Box<dyn kernel::Kernel>,
75 }
77 impl KernelDesc {
78 fn find(name: &str) -> ScaleResult<Box<dyn kernel::Kernel>> {
79 for kern in KERNELS.iter() {
80 if kern.name == name {
81 return Ok((kern.create)());
82 }
83 }
84 Err(ScaleError::InvalidArgument)
85 }
86 }
88 const KERNELS: &[KernelDesc] = &[
89 KernelDesc { name: "pack", create: repack::create_pack },
90 KernelDesc { name: "unpack", create: repack::create_unpack },
91 KernelDesc { name: "depal", create: repack::create_depal },
92 KernelDesc { name: "palette", create: palette::create_palettise },
93 KernelDesc { name: "scale", create: scale::create_scale },
94 KernelDesc { name: "rgb_to_yuv", create: colorcvt::create_rgb2yuv },
95 KernelDesc { name: "yuv_to_rgb", create: colorcvt::create_yuv2rgb },
96 ];
98 struct Stage {
99 fmt_out: ScaleInfo,
100 tmp_pic: NABufferType,
101 next: Option<Box<Stage>>,
102 worker: Box<dyn kernel::Kernel>,
103 }
105 /// Converts input picture information into format used by scaler.
106 pub fn get_scale_fmt_from_pic(pic: &NABufferType) -> ScaleInfo {
107 let info = pic.get_video_info().unwrap();
108 ScaleInfo { fmt: info.get_format(), width: info.get_width(), height: info.get_height() }
109 }
111 impl Stage {
112 fn new(name: &str, in_fmt: &ScaleInfo, dest_fmt: &ScaleInfo) -> ScaleResult<Self> {
113 let mut worker = KernelDesc::find(name)?;
114 let tmp_pic = worker.init(in_fmt, dest_fmt)?;
115 let fmt_out = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&tmp_pic);
116 Ok(Self { fmt_out, tmp_pic, next: None, worker })
117 }
118 fn add(&mut self, new: Stage) {
119 if let Some(ref mut next) = self.next {
120 next.add(new);
121 } else {
122 self.next = Some(Box::new(new));
123 }
124 }
125 fn process(&mut self, pic_in: &NABufferType, pic_out: &mut NABufferType) -> ScaleResult<()> {
126 if let Some(ref mut nextstage) = self.next {
127 self.worker.process(pic_in, &mut self.tmp_pic);
128 nextstage.process(&self.tmp_pic, pic_out)?;
129 } else {
130 self.worker.process(pic_in, pic_out);
131 }
132 Ok(())
133 }
134 fn drop_last_tmp(&mut self) {
135 if let Some(ref mut nextstage) = self.next {
136 nextstage.drop_last_tmp();
137 } else {
138 self.tmp_pic = NABufferType::None;
139 }
140 }
141 }
143 /// Image format converter.
144 pub struct NAScale {
145 fmt_in: ScaleInfo,
146 fmt_out: ScaleInfo,
147 just_convert: bool,
148 pipeline: Option<Stage>,
149 }
151 fn check_format(in_fmt: NAVideoInfo, ref_fmt: &ScaleInfo, just_convert: bool) -> ScaleResult<()> {
152 if in_fmt.get_format() != ref_fmt.fmt { return Err(ScaleError::InvalidArgument); }
153 if !just_convert && (in_fmt.get_width() != ref_fmt.width || in_fmt.get_height() != ref_fmt.height) {
154 return Err(ScaleError::InvalidArgument);
155 }
156 Ok(())
157 }
159 fn copy(pic_in: &NABufferType, pic_out: &mut NABufferType)
160 {
161 if let (Some(ref sbuf), Some(ref mut dbuf)) = (pic_in.get_vbuf(), pic_out.get_vbuf()) {
162 let mut same = true;
163 let num_components = sbuf.get_info().get_format().get_num_comp();
164 for i in 0..num_components {
165 if sbuf.get_stride(i) != dbuf.get_stride(i) {
166 same = false;
167 break;
168 }
169 if sbuf.get_offset(i) != dbuf.get_offset(i) {
170 same = false;
171 break;
172 }
173 }
174 if same {
175 let sdata = sbuf.get_data();
176 let ddata = dbuf.get_data_mut().unwrap();
177 ddata.copy_from_slice(&sdata[0..]);
178 } else {
179 let sdata = sbuf.get_data();
180 for comp in 0..num_components {
181 let (_, h) = sbuf.get_dimensions(comp);
182 let src = &sdata[sbuf.get_offset(comp)..];
183 let sstride = sbuf.get_stride(comp);
184 let doff = dbuf.get_offset(comp);
185 let dstride = dbuf.get_stride(comp);
186 let ddata = dbuf.get_data_mut().unwrap();
187 let dst = &mut ddata[doff..];
188 let copy_size = sstride.min(dstride);
189 for (dline, sline) in dst.chunks_exact_mut(dstride).take(h).zip(src.chunks_exact(sstride)) {
190 (&mut dline[..copy_size]).copy_from_slice(&sline[..copy_size]);
191 }
192 }
193 }
194 } else if let (Some(ref sbuf), Some(ref mut dbuf)) = (pic_in.get_vbuf16(), pic_out.get_vbuf16()) {
195 let mut same = true;
196 let num_components = sbuf.get_info().get_format().get_num_comp();
197 for i in 0..num_components {
198 if sbuf.get_stride(i) != dbuf.get_stride(i) {
199 same = false;
200 break;
201 }
202 if sbuf.get_offset(i) != dbuf.get_offset(i) {
203 same = false;
204 break;
205 }
206 }
207 if same {
208 let sdata = sbuf.get_data();
209 let ddata = dbuf.get_data_mut().unwrap();
210 ddata.copy_from_slice(&sdata[0..]);
211 } else {
212 let sdata = sbuf.get_data();
213 for comp in 0..num_components {
214 let (_, h) = sbuf.get_dimensions(comp);
215 let src = &sdata[sbuf.get_offset(comp)..];
216 let sstride = sbuf.get_stride(comp);
217 let doff = dbuf.get_offset(comp);
218 let dstride = dbuf.get_stride(comp);
219 let ddata = dbuf.get_data_mut().unwrap();
220 let dst = &mut ddata[doff..];
221 let copy_size = sstride.min(dstride);
222 for (dline, sline) in dst.chunks_exact_mut(dstride).take(h).zip(src.chunks_exact(sstride)) {
223 (&mut dline[..copy_size]).copy_from_slice(&sline[..copy_size]);
224 }
225 }
226 }
227 } else {
228 unimplemented!();
229 }
230 }
232 macro_rules! add_stage {
233 ($head:expr, $new:expr) => {
234 if let Some(ref mut h) = $head {
235 h.add($new);
236 } else {
237 $head = Some($new);
238 }
239 };
240 }
241 fn is_better_fmt(a: &ScaleInfo, b: &ScaleInfo) -> bool {
242 if (a.width >= b.width) && (a.height >= b.height) {
243 return true;
244 }
245 if a.fmt.get_max_depth() > b.fmt.get_max_depth() {
246 return true;
247 }
248 if a.fmt.get_max_subsampling() < b.fmt.get_max_subsampling() {
249 return true;
250 }
251 false
252 }
253 fn fmt_needs_scale(ifmt: &NAPixelFormaton, ofmt: &NAPixelFormaton) -> bool {
254 for (ichr, ochr) in ifmt.comp_info.iter().zip(ofmt.comp_info.iter()) {
255 if let (Some(ic), Some(oc)) = (ichr, ochr) {
256 if ic.h_ss != oc.h_ss || ic.v_ss != oc.v_ss {
257 return true;
258 }
259 }
260 }
261 false
262 }
263 fn build_pipeline(ifmt: &ScaleInfo, ofmt: &ScaleInfo, just_convert: bool) -> ScaleResult<Option<Stage>> {
264 let inname = ifmt.fmt.get_model().get_short_name();
265 let outname = ofmt.fmt.get_model().get_short_name();
267 println!("convert {} -> {}", ifmt, ofmt);
268 let needs_scale = if fmt_needs_scale(&ifmt.fmt, &ofmt.fmt) {
269 true
270 } else {
271 !just_convert
272 };
273 let needs_unpack = !ifmt.fmt.is_unpacked();
274 let needs_pack = !ofmt.fmt.is_unpacked();
275 let needs_convert = inname != outname;
276 let scale_before_cvt = is_better_fmt(&ifmt, &ofmt) && needs_convert
277 && (ofmt.fmt.get_max_subsampling() == 0);
278 let needs_palettise = ofmt.fmt.palette;
279 //todo stages for model and gamma conversion
281 let mut stages: Option<Stage> = None;
282 let mut cur_fmt = *ifmt;
284 if needs_unpack {
285 println!("[adding unpack]");
286 let new_stage = if !cur_fmt.fmt.is_paletted() {
287 Stage::new("unpack", &cur_fmt, &ofmt)?
288 } else {
289 Stage::new("depal", &cur_fmt, &ofmt)?
290 };
291 cur_fmt = new_stage.fmt_out;
292 add_stage!(stages, new_stage);
293 }
294 if needs_scale && scale_before_cvt {
295 println!("[adding scale]");
296 let new_stage = Stage::new("scale", &cur_fmt, &ofmt)?;
297 cur_fmt = new_stage.fmt_out;
298 add_stage!(stages, new_stage);
299 }
300 if needs_convert {
301 println!("[adding convert]");
302 let cvtname = format!("{}_to_{}", inname, outname);
303 println!("[{}]", cvtname);
304 let new_stage = Stage::new(&cvtname, &cur_fmt, &ofmt)?;
305 //todo if fails try converting via RGB or YUV
306 cur_fmt = new_stage.fmt_out;
307 add_stage!(stages, new_stage);
308 //todo alpha plane copy/add
309 }
310 if needs_scale && !scale_before_cvt {
311 println!("[adding scale]");
312 let new_stage = Stage::new("scale", &cur_fmt, &ofmt)?;
313 cur_fmt = new_stage.fmt_out;
314 add_stage!(stages, new_stage);
315 }
316 if needs_pack && !needs_palettise {
317 println!("[adding pack]");
318 let new_stage = Stage::new("pack", &cur_fmt, &ofmt)?;
319 //cur_fmt = new_stage.fmt_out;
320 add_stage!(stages, new_stage);
321 }
322 if needs_palettise {
323 println!("[adding palettise]");
324 let new_stage = Stage::new("palette", &cur_fmt, &ofmt)?;
325 //cur_fmt = new_stage.fmt_out;
326 add_stage!(stages, new_stage);
327 }
329 if let Some(ref mut head) = stages {
330 head.drop_last_tmp();
331 }
333 Ok(stages)
334 }
336 fn swap_plane<T:Copy>(data: &mut [T], stride: usize, h: usize, line0: &mut [T], line1: &mut [T]) {
337 let mut doff0 = 0;
338 let mut doff1 = stride * (h - 1);
339 for _ in 0..h/2 {
340 line0.copy_from_slice(&data[doff0..][..stride]);
341 line1.copy_from_slice(&data[doff1..][..stride]);
342 (&mut data[doff1..][..stride]).copy_from_slice(line0);
343 (&mut data[doff0..][..stride]).copy_from_slice(line1);
344 doff0 += stride;
345 doff1 -= stride;
346 }
347 }
349 /// Flips the picture contents.
350 pub fn flip_picture(pic: &mut NABufferType) -> ScaleResult<()> {
351 match pic {
352 NABufferType::Video(ref mut vb) => {
353 let ncomp = vb.get_num_components();
354 for comp in 0..ncomp {
355 let off = vb.get_offset(comp);
356 let stride = vb.get_stride(comp);
357 let (_, h) = vb.get_dimensions(comp);
358 let data = vb.get_data_mut().unwrap();
359 let mut line0 = vec![0; stride];
360 let mut line1 = vec![0; stride];
361 swap_plane(&mut data[off..], stride, h, line0.as_mut_slice(), line1.as_mut_slice());
362 }
363 },
364 NABufferType::Video16(ref mut vb) => {
365 let ncomp = vb.get_num_components().max(1);
366 for comp in 0..ncomp {
367 let off = vb.get_offset(comp);
368 let stride = vb.get_stride(comp);
369 let (_, h) = vb.get_dimensions(comp);
370 let data = vb.get_data_mut().unwrap();
371 let mut line0 = vec![0; stride];
372 let mut line1 = vec![0; stride];
373 swap_plane(&mut data[off..], stride, h, line0.as_mut_slice(), line1.as_mut_slice());
374 }
375 },
376 NABufferType::Video32(ref mut vb) => {
377 let ncomp = vb.get_num_components().max(1);
378 for comp in 0..ncomp {
379 let off = vb.get_offset(comp);
380 let stride = vb.get_stride(comp);
381 let (_, h) = vb.get_dimensions(comp);
382 let data = vb.get_data_mut().unwrap();
383 let mut line0 = vec![0; stride];
384 let mut line1 = vec![0; stride];
385 swap_plane(&mut data[off..], stride, h, line0.as_mut_slice(), line1.as_mut_slice());
386 }
387 },
388 NABufferType::VideoPacked(ref mut vb) => {
389 let ncomp = vb.get_num_components();
390 for comp in 0..ncomp {
391 let off = vb.get_offset(comp);
392 let stride = vb.get_stride(comp);
393 let (_, h) = vb.get_dimensions(comp);
394 let data = vb.get_data_mut().unwrap();
395 let mut line0 = vec![0; stride];
396 let mut line1 = vec![0; stride];
397 swap_plane(&mut data[off..], stride, h, line0.as_mut_slice(), line1.as_mut_slice());
398 }
399 if ncomp == 0 && vb.get_stride(0) != 0 {
400 let off = vb.get_offset(0);
401 let stride = vb.get_stride(0);
402 let (_, h) = vb.get_dimensions(0);
403 let data = vb.get_data_mut().unwrap();
404 let mut line0 = vec![0; stride];
405 let mut line1 = vec![0; stride];
406 swap_plane(&mut data[off..], stride, h, line0.as_mut_slice(), line1.as_mut_slice());
407 }
408 },
409 _ => { return Err(ScaleError::InvalidArgument); },
410 };
411 Ok(())
412 }
414 impl NAScale {
415 /// Constructs a new `NAScale` instance.
416 pub fn new(fmt_in: ScaleInfo, fmt_out: ScaleInfo) -> ScaleResult<Self> {
417 let pipeline;
418 let just_convert = (fmt_in.width == fmt_out.width) && (fmt_in.height == fmt_out.height);
419 if fmt_in != fmt_out {
420 pipeline = build_pipeline(&fmt_in, &fmt_out, just_convert)?;
421 } else {
422 pipeline = None;
423 }
424 Ok(Self { fmt_in, fmt_out, just_convert, pipeline })
425 }
426 /// Checks whether requested conversion operation is needed at all.
427 pub fn needs_processing(&self) -> bool { self.pipeline.is_some() }
428 /// Returns the input image format.
429 pub fn get_in_fmt(&self) -> ScaleInfo { self.fmt_in }
430 /// Returns the output image format.
431 pub fn get_out_fmt(&self) -> ScaleInfo { self.fmt_out }
432 /// Performs the image format conversion.
433 pub fn convert(&mut self, pic_in: &NABufferType, pic_out: &mut NABufferType) -> ScaleResult<()> {
434 let in_info = pic_in.get_video_info();
435 let out_info = pic_out.get_video_info();
436 if in_info.is_none() || out_info.is_none() { return Err(ScaleError::InvalidArgument); }
437 let in_info = in_info.unwrap();
438 let out_info = out_info.unwrap();
439 if self.just_convert &&
440 (in_info.get_width() != out_info.get_width() || in_info.get_height() != out_info.get_height()) {
441 return Err(ScaleError::InvalidArgument);
442 }
443 let needs_flip = in_info.is_flipped() ^ out_info.is_flipped();
444 check_format(in_info, &self.fmt_in, self.just_convert)?;
445 check_format(out_info, &self.fmt_out, self.just_convert)?;
446 let ret = if let Some(ref mut pipe) = self.pipeline {
447 pipe.process(pic_in, pic_out)
448 } else {
449 copy(pic_in, pic_out);
450 Ok(())
451 };
452 if ret.is_ok() && needs_flip {
453 flip_picture(pic_out)?;
454 }
455 ret
456 }
457 }
459 #[cfg(test)]
460 mod test {
461 use super::*;
463 fn fill_pic(pic: &mut NABufferType, val: u8) {
464 if let Some(ref mut buf) = pic.get_vbuf() {
465 let data = buf.get_data_mut().unwrap();
466 for el in data.iter_mut() { *el = val; }
467 } else if let Some(ref mut buf) = pic.get_vbuf16() {
468 let data = buf.get_data_mut().unwrap();
469 for el in data.iter_mut() { *el = val as u16; }
470 } else if let Some(ref mut buf) = pic.get_vbuf32() {
471 let data = buf.get_data_mut().unwrap();
472 for el in data.iter_mut() { *el = (val as u32) * 0x01010101; }
473 }
474 }
475 #[test]
476 fn test_convert() {
477 let mut in_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(1, 1, false, RGB565_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
478 fill_pic(&mut in_pic, 42);
479 let mut out_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(1, 1, false, RGB24_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
480 fill_pic(&mut out_pic, 0);
481 let ifmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&in_pic);
482 let ofmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&out_pic);
483 let mut scaler = NAScale::new(ifmt, ofmt).unwrap();
484 scaler.convert(&in_pic, &mut out_pic).unwrap();
485 let obuf = out_pic.get_vbuf().unwrap();
486 let odata = obuf.get_data();
487 assert_eq!(odata[0], 0x0);
488 assert_eq!(odata[1], 0x4);
489 assert_eq!(odata[2], 0x52);
491 let mut in_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(4, 4, false, RGB24_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
492 fill_pic(&mut in_pic, 42);
493 let mut out_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(4, 4, false, YUV420_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
494 fill_pic(&mut out_pic, 0);
495 let ifmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&in_pic);
496 let ofmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&out_pic);
497 let mut scaler = NAScale::new(ifmt, ofmt).unwrap();
498 scaler.convert(&in_pic, &mut out_pic).unwrap();
499 let obuf = out_pic.get_vbuf().unwrap();
500 let yoff = obuf.get_offset(0);
501 let uoff = obuf.get_offset(1);
502 let voff = obuf.get_offset(2);
503 let odata = obuf.get_data();
504 assert_eq!(odata[yoff], 42);
505 assert!(((odata[uoff] ^ 0x80) as i8).abs() <= 1);
506 assert!(((odata[voff] ^ 0x80) as i8).abs() <= 1);
507 let mut scaler = NAScale::new(ofmt, ifmt).unwrap();
508 scaler.convert(&out_pic, &mut in_pic).unwrap();
509 let obuf = in_pic.get_vbuf().unwrap();
510 let odata = obuf.get_data();
511 assert_eq!(odata[0], 42);
512 }
513 #[test]
514 fn test_scale() {
515 let mut in_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(2, 2, false, RGB565_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
516 fill_pic(&mut in_pic, 42);
517 let mut out_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(3, 3, false, RGB565_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
518 fill_pic(&mut out_pic, 0);
519 let ifmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&in_pic);
520 let ofmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&out_pic);
521 let mut scaler = NAScale::new(ifmt, ofmt).unwrap();
522 scaler.convert(&in_pic, &mut out_pic).unwrap();
523 let obuf = out_pic.get_vbuf16().unwrap();
524 let odata = obuf.get_data();
525 assert_eq!(odata[0], 42);
526 }
527 #[test]
528 fn test_scale_and_convert() {
529 let mut in_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(7, 3, false, RGB565_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
530 fill_pic(&mut in_pic, 42);
531 let mut out_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(4, 4, false, YUV420_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
532 fill_pic(&mut out_pic, 0);
533 let ifmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&in_pic);
534 let ofmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&out_pic);
535 let mut scaler = NAScale::new(ifmt, ofmt).unwrap();
536 scaler.convert(&in_pic, &mut out_pic).unwrap();
537 let obuf = out_pic.get_vbuf().unwrap();
538 let yoff = obuf.get_offset(0);
539 let uoff = obuf.get_offset(1);
540 let voff = obuf.get_offset(2);
541 let odata = obuf.get_data();
542 assert_eq!(odata[yoff], 11);
543 assert_eq!(odata[uoff], 162);
544 assert_eq!(odata[voff], 118);
545 }
546 #[test]
547 fn test_scale_and_convert_to_pal() {
548 let mut in_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(7, 3, false, YUV420_FORMAT), 3).unwrap();
549 fill_pic(&mut in_pic, 142);
550 let mut out_pic = alloc_video_buffer(NAVideoInfo::new(4, 4, false, PAL8_FORMAT), 0).unwrap();
551 fill_pic(&mut out_pic, 0);
552 let ifmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&in_pic);
553 let ofmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&out_pic);
554 let mut scaler = NAScale::new(ifmt, ofmt).unwrap();
555 scaler.convert(&in_pic, &mut out_pic).unwrap();
556 let obuf = out_pic.get_vbuf().unwrap();
557 let dataoff = obuf.get_offset(0);
558 let paloff = obuf.get_offset(1);
559 let odata = obuf.get_data();
560 assert_eq!(odata[dataoff], 0);
561 assert_eq!(odata[paloff], 157);
562 assert_eq!(odata[paloff + 1], 129);
563 assert_eq!(odata[paloff + 2], 170);
564 }
565 }