cinepakenc: switch default quantisation mode to median cut
[nihav.git] / nihav-core / src / scale / palette /
1 use super::Pixel;
3 struct RNG {
4 seed: u16,
5 }
7 impl RNG {
8 fn new() -> Self { Self { seed: 0x1234 } }
9 fn next(&mut self) -> u8 {
10 if (self.seed & 0x8000) != 0 {
11 self.seed = (self.seed & 0x7FFF) * 2 ^ 0x1B2B;
12 } else {
13 self.seed <<= 1;
14 }
15 self.seed as u8
16 }
17 }
19 #[derive(Default,Clone,Copy,PartialEq,Debug)]
20 struct Entry {
21 pix: Pixel,
22 count: u64,
23 }
25 struct Cluster {
26 centroid: Pixel,
27 dist: u64,
28 count: u64,
29 sum_r: u64,
30 sum_g: u64,
31 sum_b: u64,
32 }
34 impl Cluster {
35 fn new(centroid: Pixel) -> Self {
36 Self {
37 centroid,
38 dist: 0,
39 count: 0,
40 sum_r: 0,
41 sum_g: 0,
42 sum_b: 0,
43 }
44 }
45 fn reset(&mut self) {
46 self.count = 0;
47 self.sum_r = 0;
48 self.sum_g = 0;
49 self.sum_b = 0;
50 self.dist = 0;
51 }
52 fn add_pixel(&mut self, entry: &Entry) {
53 self.sum_r += u64::from(entry.pix.r) * entry.count;
54 self.sum_g += u64::from(entry.pix.g) * entry.count;
55 self.sum_b += u64::from(entry.pix.b) * entry.count;
56 self.count += entry.count;
57 }
58 fn add_dist(&mut self, entry: &Entry) {
59 self.dist += u64::from(self.centroid.dist(entry.pix)) * entry.count;
60 }
61 fn calc_centroid(&mut self) {
62 if self.count != 0 {
63 self.centroid.r = ((self.sum_r + self.count / 2) / self.count) as u8;
64 self.centroid.g = ((self.sum_g + self.count / 2) / self.count) as u8;
65 self.centroid.b = ((self.sum_b + self.count / 2) / self.count) as u8;
66 }
67 }
68 fn calc_dist(&mut self) {
69 if self.count != 0 {
70 self.dist = (self.dist + self.count / 2) / self.count;
71 }
72 }
73 }
75 pub struct ELBG {
76 clusters: Vec<Cluster>,
77 }
79 impl ELBG {
80 #[allow(dead_code)]
81 pub fn new(initial_pal: &[[u8; 3]; 256]) -> Self {
82 let mut clusters = Vec::with_capacity(256);
83 for i in 0..256 {
84 let pix = Pixel { r: initial_pal[i][0], g: initial_pal[i][1], b: initial_pal[i][2] };
85 let cluster = Cluster::new(pix);
86 clusters.push(cluster);
87 }
88 Self {
89 clusters,
90 }
91 }
92 #[allow(dead_code)]
93 pub fn new_random() -> Self {
94 let mut rng = RNG::new();
95 let mut clusters = Vec::with_capacity(256);
96 for _ in 0..256 {
97 let pix = Pixel { r:, g:, b: };
98 let cluster = Cluster::new(pix);
99 clusters.push(cluster);
100 }
101 Self {
102 clusters,
103 }
104 }
105 fn sort<F>(arr: &mut [Pixel], idx: F) where F: Fn(&Pixel) -> u8 {
106 let mut dst = vec![Pixel::default(); arr.len()];
107 let mut counts = [0; 256];
108 for pix in arr.iter() {
109 counts[idx(pix) as usize] += 1;
110 }
111 let mut last = counts[0];
112 counts[0] = 0;
113 for count in counts.iter_mut().skip(1) {
114 let plast = last;
115 last += *count;
116 *count = plast;
117 }
118 for pix in arr.iter() {
119 let bucket = idx(pix) as usize;
120 dst[counts[bucket]] = *pix;
121 counts[bucket] += 1;
122 }
123 arr.copy_from_slice(dst.as_slice());
124 }
125 fn new_split(old_index: usize, entries: &[Entry], indices: &[usize]) -> Option<(Pixel, Pixel)> {
126 let mut max = Pixel { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
127 let mut min = Pixel { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 };
128 let mut found = false;
129 for (entry, idx) in entries.iter().zip(indices) {
130 if *idx == old_index {
131 max = max.max(entry.pix);
132 min = min.min(entry.pix);
133 found = true;
134 }
135 }
136 if !found {
137 return None;
138 }
139 let dr = max.r - min.r;
140 let dg = max.g - min.g;
141 let db = max.b - min.b;
142 let cent0 = Pixel { r: min.r + dr / 3, g: min.g + dg / 3, b: min.b + db / 3 };
143 let cent1 = Pixel { r: max.r - dr / 3, g: max.g - dg / 3, b: max.b - db / 3 };
144 Some((cent0, cent1))
145 }
146 fn old_centre(&self, old_index1: usize, old_index2: usize, entries: &[Entry], indices: &[usize]) -> Pixel {
147 let mut max = Pixel { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
148 let mut min = Pixel { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 };
149 let mut found = false;
150 for (entry, idx) in entries.iter().zip(indices) {
151 if *idx == old_index1 || *idx == old_index2 {
152 max = max.max(entry.pix);
153 min = min.min(entry.pix);
154 found = true;
155 }
156 }
157 if !found {
158 max = self.clusters[old_index1].centroid.max(self.clusters[old_index2].centroid);
159 min = self.clusters[old_index1].centroid.min(self.clusters[old_index2].centroid);
160 }
161 let dr = max.r - min.r;
162 let dg = max.g - min.g;
163 let db = max.b - min.b;
164 Pixel { r: min.r + dr / 2, g: min.g + dg / 2, b: min.b + db / 2 }
165 }
166 fn estimate_old(old_idx0: usize, old_idx1: usize, c: Pixel, entries: &[Entry], indices: &[usize]) -> u64 {
167 let mut clu = Cluster::new(c);
168 let mut count = 0;
169 for (entry, idx) in entries.iter().zip(indices) {
170 if *idx == old_idx0 || *idx == old_idx1 {
171 clu.add_dist(entry);
172 count += entry.count;
173 }
174 }
175 clu.count = count;
176 clu.calc_dist();
177 clu.dist
178 }
179 fn estimate_new(c0: Pixel, c1: Pixel, old_idx: usize, entries: &[Entry], indices: &[usize]) -> u64 {
180 let mut clu0 = Cluster::new(c0);
181 let mut clu1 = Cluster::new(c1);
182 let mut count0 = 0;
183 let mut count1 = 0;
184 for (entry, idx) in entries.iter().zip(indices) {
185 if *idx == old_idx {
186 if c0.dist(entry.pix) < c1.dist(entry.pix) {
187 clu0.add_dist(entry);
188 count0 += entry.count;
189 } else {
190 clu1.add_dist(entry);
191 count1 += entry.count;
192 }
193 }
194 }
195 clu0.count = count0;
196 clu1.count = count1;
197 clu0.calc_dist();
198 clu1.calc_dist();
199 clu0.dist + clu1.dist
200 }
201 pub fn quantise(&mut self, src: &[Pixel], dst: &mut [[u8; 3]; 256]) {
202 if src.len() < 3 {
203 return;
204 }
205 let mut old_cb: [Pixel; 256] = [Pixel::default(); 256];
206 let mut prev_dist = std::u64::MAX;
207 let mut dist = std::u64::MAX / 2;
208 let mut indices = Vec::with_capacity(src.len());
209 let mut pixels = Vec::with_capacity(src.len());
210 pixels.extend_from_slice(src);
211 Self::sort(pixels.as_mut_slice(), |pix| pix.r);
212 Self::sort(pixels.as_mut_slice(), |pix| pix.g);
213 Self::sort(pixels.as_mut_slice(), |pix| pix.b);
214 let mut entries = Vec::with_capacity(pixels.len() / 2);
215 let mut lastval = pixels[0];
216 let mut run = 1;
217 for pix in pixels.iter().skip(1) {
218 if &lastval == pix {
219 run += 1;
220 } else {
221 entries.push(Entry { pix: lastval, count: run });
222 lastval = *pix;
223 run = 1;
224 }
225 }
226 entries.push(Entry { pix: lastval, count: run });
227 drop(pixels);
229 let mut low_u: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(256);
230 let mut high_u: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(256);
231 let mut rng = RNG::new();
232 let mut iterations = 0usize;
233 let mut do_elbg_step = true;
234 while (iterations < 20) && (dist < prev_dist - prev_dist / 1000) {
235 prev_dist = dist;
236 for i in 0..256 {
237 old_cb[i] = self.clusters[i].centroid;
238 self.clusters[i].reset();
239 }
240 // put pixels into the nearest clusters
241 indices.truncate(0);
242 for entry in entries.iter() {
243 let mut bestidx = 0;
244 let mut bestdist = std::u32::MAX;
245 for (i, cluster) in self.clusters.iter().enumerate() {
246 let dist = entry.pix.dist(cluster.centroid);
247 if bestdist > dist {
248 bestdist = dist;
249 bestidx = i;
250 if dist == 0 {
251 break;
252 }
253 }
254 }
255 indices.push(bestidx);
256 self.clusters[bestidx].add_pixel(entry);
257 }
258 // calculate params
259 for cluster in self.clusters.iter_mut() {
260 cluster.calc_centroid();
261 }
262 dist = 0;
263 for (idx, entry) in indices.iter().zip(entries.iter()) {
264 self.clusters[*idx].add_dist(entry);
265 }
266 for cluster in self.clusters.iter_mut() {
267 cluster.calc_dist();
268 dist += cluster.dist;
269 }
271 let dmean = dist / 256;
272 low_u.truncate(0);
273 high_u.truncate(0);
274 let mut used = [false; 256];
275 for (i, cluster) in self.clusters.iter().enumerate() {
276 if cluster.dist < dmean {
277 low_u.push(i);
278 } else if cluster.dist > dmean * 2 {
279 high_u.push(i);
280 used[i] = true;
281 }
282 }
284 if do_elbg_step {
285 do_elbg_step = false;
286 for low_idx in low_u.iter() {
287 if high_u.len() == 0 {
288 break;
289 }
290 let high_idx_idx = ( as usize) % high_u.len();
291 let high_idx = high_u[high_idx_idx];
292 let mut closest_idx = *low_idx;
293 let mut closest_dist = std::u32::MAX;
294 let low_centr = self.clusters[*low_idx].centroid;
295 for i in 0..256 {//low_u.iter() {
296 if i == *low_idx || used[i] {
297 continue;
298 }
299 let dist = self.clusters[i].centroid.dist(low_centr);
300 if closest_dist > dist {
301 closest_dist = dist;
302 closest_idx = i;
303 }
304 }
305 if closest_idx == *low_idx {
306 continue;
307 }
308 let old_dist = self.clusters[*low_idx].dist + self.clusters[closest_idx].dist + self.clusters[high_idx].dist;
309 let old_centr = self.old_centre(*low_idx, closest_idx, entries.as_slice(), indices.as_slice());
310 let ret = Self::new_split(high_idx, entries.as_slice(), indices.as_slice());
311 if ret.is_none() {
312 continue;
313 }
314 let (centr0, centr1) = ret.unwrap();
315 let dist_o = if old_dist > self.clusters[high_idx].dist {
316 Self::estimate_old(*low_idx, closest_idx, old_centr, entries.as_slice(), indices.as_slice())
317 } else { 0 };
318 let dist_n = Self::estimate_new(centr0, centr1, high_idx, entries.as_slice(), indices.as_slice());
319 if dist_o + dist_n < old_dist {
320 self.clusters[*low_idx ].centroid = old_centr;
321 self.clusters[closest_idx].centroid = centr0;
322 self.clusters[high_idx ].centroid = centr1;
323 used[*low_idx] = true;
324 used[closest_idx] = true;
325 used[high_idx] = true;
326 high_u.remove(high_idx_idx);
327 do_elbg_step = true;
328 }
329 }
330 }
331 iterations += 1;
332 }
333 if dist < prev_dist {
334 for i in 0..256 {
335 old_cb[i] = self.clusters[i].centroid;
336 }
337 }
338 for i in 0..256 {
339 dst[i][0] = old_cb[i].r;
340 dst[i][1] = old_cb[i].g;
341 dst[i][2] = old_cb[i].b;
342 }
343 }
344 }