copy encoding parameters from the reference when negotiating the format
[nihav.git] / nihav-ms / src / codecs /
1 use nihav_core::codecs::*;
2 use nihav_core::io::byteio::*;
3 use nihav_codec_support::vq::*;
5 #[derive(Default,Clone,Copy,PartialEq)]
6 struct Pixel16(u16);
8 impl Pixel16 {
9 fn unpack(&self) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
10 (((self.0 >> 10) & 0x1F) as u8, ((self.0 >> 5) & 0x1F) as u8, (self.0 & 0x1F) as u8)
11 }
12 fn pack(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Self {
13 Pixel16{ 0: (u16::from(r) << 10) | (u16::from(g) << 5) | u16::from(b) }
14 }
15 }
16 impl VQElement for Pixel16 {
17 fn dist(&self, rval: Self) -> u32 {
18 let (r0, g0, b0) = self.unpack();
19 let (r1, g1, b1) = rval.unpack();
20 let rd = i32::from(r0) - i32::from(r1);
21 let gd = i32::from(g0) - i32::from(g1);
22 let bd = i32::from(b0) - i32::from(b1);
23 (rd * rd + gd * gd + bd * bd) as u32
24 }
25 fn min_cw() -> Self { Pixel16(0x0000) }
26 fn max_cw() -> Self { Pixel16(0x7FFF) }
27 fn min(&self, rval: Self) -> Self {
28 let (r0, g0, b0) = self.unpack();
29 let (r1, g1, b1) = rval.unpack();
30 Self::pack(r0.min(r1), g0.min(g1), b0.min(b1))
31 }
32 fn max(&self, rval: Self) -> Self {
33 let (r0, g0, b0) = self.unpack();
34 let (r1, g1, b1) = rval.unpack();
35 Self::pack(r0.max(r1), g0.max(g1), b0.max(b1))
36 }
37 fn num_components() -> usize { 3 }
38 fn sort_by_component(arr: &mut [Self], component: usize) {
39 let mut counts = [0; 32];
40 for pix in arr.iter() {
41 let (r, g, b) = pix.unpack();
42 let idx = match component {
43 0 => r,
44 1 => g,
45 _ => b,
46 } as usize;
47 counts[idx] += 1;
48 }
49 let mut offs = [0; 32];
50 for i in 0..31 {
51 offs[i + 1] = offs[i] + counts[i];
52 }
53 let mut dst = vec![Pixel16(0); arr.len()];
54 for pix in arr.iter() {
55 let (r, g, b) = pix.unpack();
56 let idx = match component {
57 0 => r,
58 1 => g,
59 _ => b,
60 } as usize;
61 dst[offs[idx]] = *pix;
62 offs[idx] += 1;
63 }
64 arr.copy_from_slice(dst.as_slice());
65 }
66 fn max_dist_component(min: &Self, max: &Self) -> usize {
67 let (r0, g0, b0) = max.unpack();
68 let (r1, g1, b1) = min.unpack();
69 let rd = u32::from(r0) - u32::from(r1);
70 let gd = u32::from(g0) - u32::from(g1);
71 let bd = u32::from(b0) - u32::from(b1);
72 if rd > gd && rd > bd {
73 0
74 } else if bd > rd && bd > gd {
75 2
76 } else {
77 1
78 }
79 }
80 }
82 struct Pixel16Sum {
83 rsum: u64,
84 gsum: u64,
85 bsum: u64,
86 count: u64,
87 }
89 impl VQElementSum<Pixel16> for Pixel16Sum {
90 fn zero() -> Self { Pixel16Sum { rsum: 0, gsum: 0, bsum: 0, count: 0 } }
91 fn add(&mut self, rval: Pixel16, count: u64) {
92 let (r, g, b) = rval.unpack();
93 self.rsum += u64::from(r) * count;
94 self.gsum += u64::from(g) * count;
95 self.bsum += u64::from(b) * count;
96 self.count += count;
97 }
98 fn get_centroid(&self) -> Pixel16 {
99 if self.count != 0 {
100 let r = ((self.rsum + self.count / 2) / self.count) as u8;
101 let g = ((self.gsum + self.count / 2) / self.count) as u8;
102 let b = ((self.bsum + self.count / 2) / self.count) as u8;
103 Pixel16::pack(r, g, b)
104 } else {
105 Pixel16(0x0000)
106 }
107 }
108 }
110 #[derive(Default)]
111 struct BlockState {
112 fill_dist: u32,
113 fill_val: Pixel16,
114 clr2_dist: u32,
115 clr2_flags: u16,
116 clr2: [Pixel16; 2],
117 clr8_dist: u32,
118 clr8_flags: u16,
119 clr8: [[Pixel16; 2]; 4],
120 }
122 impl BlockState {
123 fn calc_stats(&mut self, buf: &[Pixel16; 16]) {
124 let num_cw = quantise_median_cut::<Pixel16, Pixel16Sum>(buf, &mut self.clr2);
125 if num_cw == 1 {
126 self.fill_val = Pixel16 { 0: buf[0].0 & !0x400 };
127 } else {
128 let mut avg = Pixel16Sum::zero();
129 for pix in buf.iter() {
130 avg.add(*pix, 1);
131 }
132 self.fill_val = Pixel16 { 0: avg.get_centroid().0 & !0x400 };
133 }
134 self.fill_dist = 0;
135 for pix in buf.iter() {
136 self.fill_dist += pix.dist(self.fill_val);
137 }
138 if self.fill_dist == 0 {
139 self.clr2_dist = std::u32::MAX;
140 self.clr8_dist = std::u32::MAX;
141 return;
142 }
144 self.clr2_flags = 0u16;
145 if num_cw == 2 {
146 let mut mask = 1;
147 self.clr2_dist = 0;
148 for pix in buf.iter() {
149 let dist0 = pix.dist(self.clr2[0]);
150 let dist1 = pix.dist(self.clr2[1]);
151 if dist0 < dist1 {
152 self.clr2_flags |= mask;
153 self.clr2_dist += dist0;
154 } else {
155 self.clr2_dist += dist1;
156 }
157 mask <<= 1;
158 }
159 if (self.clr2_flags & 0x8000) != 0 {
160 self.clr2_flags = !self.clr2_flags;
161 self.clr2.swap(0, 1);
162 }
163 } else {
164 self.clr2_dist = self.fill_dist;
165 self.clr2 = [self.fill_val; 2];
166 }
167 if self.clr2_dist == 0 {
168 self.clr8_dist = std::u32::MAX;
169 return;
170 }
172 self.clr8 = [[Pixel16 { 0: 0}; 2]; 4];
173 self.clr8_flags = 0;
174 self.clr8_dist = 0;
175 let mut mask = 1;
176 for i in 0..4 {
177 let off = (i & 1) * 2 + (i & 2) * 4;
178 let src2 = [buf[off], buf[off + 1], buf[off + 4], buf[off + 5]];
179 let nc = quantise_median_cut::<Pixel16, Pixel16Sum>(&src2, &mut self.clr8[i]);
180 if nc < 2 {
181 self.clr8[i][1] = self.clr8[i][0];
182 }
183 for j in 0..4 {
184 let dist0 = src2[j].dist(self.clr8[i][0]);
185 let dist1 = src2[j].dist(self.clr8[i][1]);
186 if dist0 < dist1 {
187 self.clr8_flags |= mask;
188 self.clr8_dist += dist0;
189 } else {
190 self.clr8_dist += dist1;
191 }
192 mask <<= 1;
193 }
194 }
195 if (self.clr8_flags & 0x8000) != 0 {
196 self.clr8_flags ^= 0xF000;
197 self.clr8[3].swap(0, 1);
198 }
199 }
200 fn put_fill(&self, dst: &mut [u16], dstride: usize) {
201 for line in dst.chunks_mut(dstride) {
202 for i in 0..4 {
203 line[i] = self.fill_val.0;
204 }
205 }
206 }
207 fn put_clr2(&self, dst: &mut [u16], dstride: usize) {
208 for j in 0..4 {
209 for i in 0..4 {
210 if (self.clr2_flags & (1 << (i + j * 4))) == 0 {
211 dst[i + j * dstride] = self.clr2[0].0;
212 } else {
213 dst[i + j * dstride] = self.clr2[1].0;
214 }
215 }
216 }
217 }
218 fn put_clr8(&self, dst: &mut [u16], dstride: usize) {
219 for i in 0..4 {
220 let off = (i & 1) * 2 + (i & 2) * dstride;
221 let cur_flg = (self.clr8_flags >> (i * 4)) & 0xF;
222 dst[off] = self.clr8[i][( !cur_flg & 1) as usize].0;
223 dst[off + 1] = self.clr8[i][((!cur_flg >> 1) & 1) as usize].0;
224 dst[off + dstride] = self.clr8[i][((!cur_flg >> 2) & 1) as usize].0;
225 dst[off + 1 + dstride] = self.clr8[i][((!cur_flg >> 3) & 1) as usize].0;
226 }
227 }
228 fn write_fill(&self, bw: &mut ByteWriter) -> EncoderResult<()> {
229 bw.write_u16le(self.fill_val.0 | 0x8000)?;
230 Ok(())
231 }
232 fn write_clr2(&self, bw: &mut ByteWriter) -> EncoderResult<()> {
233 bw.write_u16le(self.clr2_flags)?;
234 bw.write_u16le(self.clr2[0].0)?;
235 bw.write_u16le(self.clr2[1].0)?;
236 Ok(())
237 }
238 fn write_clr8(&self, bw: &mut ByteWriter) -> EncoderResult<()> {
239 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8_flags)?;
240 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8[0][0].0 | 0x8000)?;
241 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8[0][1].0)?;
242 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8[1][0].0)?;
243 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8[1][1].0)?;
244 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8[2][0].0)?;
245 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8[2][1].0)?;
246 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8[3][0].0)?;
247 bw.write_u16le(self.clr8[3][1].0)?;
248 Ok(())
249 }
250 }
252 struct MSVideo1Encoder {
253 stream: Option<NAStreamRef>,
254 pkt: Option<NAPacket>,
255 pool: NAVideoBufferPool<u16>,
256 lastfrm: Option<NAVideoBufferRef<u16>>,
257 quality: u8,
258 frmcount: u8,
259 }
261 impl MSVideo1Encoder {
262 fn new() -> Self {
263 Self {
264 stream: None,
265 pkt: None,
266 pool: NAVideoBufferPool::new(2),
267 lastfrm: None,
268 quality: 0,
269 frmcount: 0,
270 }
271 }
272 fn get_block(src: &[u16], sstride: usize, buf: &mut [Pixel16; 16]) {
273 for (line, dst) in src.chunks(sstride).zip(buf.chunks_mut(4)) {
274 for i in 0..4 {
275 dst[i] = Pixel16 { 0: line[i] };
276 }
277 }
278 }
279 fn write_skips(bw: &mut ByteWriter, skips: usize) -> EncoderResult<()> {
280 bw.write_u16le((skips as u16) | 0x8400)?;
281 Ok(())
282 }
283 fn encode_inter(bw: &mut ByteWriter, cur_frm: &mut NAVideoBuffer<u16>, in_frm: &NAVideoBuffer<u16>, prev_frm: &NAVideoBuffer<u16>, _quality: u8) -> EncoderResult<bool> {
284 let mut is_intra = true;
285 let src = in_frm.get_data();
286 let sstride = in_frm.get_stride(0);
287 let soff = in_frm.get_offset(0);
288 let (w, h) = in_frm.get_dimensions(0);
289 let rsrc = prev_frm.get_data();
290 let rstride = prev_frm.get_stride(0);
291 let roff = prev_frm.get_offset(0);
292 let dstride = cur_frm.get_stride(0);
293 let doff = cur_frm.get_offset(0);
294 let dst = cur_frm.get_data_mut().unwrap();
295 let mut skip_run = 0;
296 for ((sstrip, rstrip), dstrip) in (&src[soff..]).chunks(sstride * 4).take(h / 4).zip((&rsrc[roff..]).chunks(rstride * 4)).zip((&mut dst[doff..]).chunks_mut(dstride * 4)) {
297 for x in (0..w).step_by(4) {
298 let mut buf = [Pixel16::min_cw(); 16];
299 let mut refbuf = [Pixel16::min_cw(); 16];
300 Self::get_block(&sstrip[x..], sstride, &mut buf);
301 Self::get_block(&rstrip[x..], rstride, &mut refbuf);
303 let mut skip_dist = 0;
304 for (pix, rpix) in buf.iter().zip(refbuf.iter()) {
305 skip_dist += pix.dist(*rpix);
306 }
307 if skip_dist == 0 {
308 skip_run += 1;
309 is_intra = false;
310 if skip_run == 1023 {
311 Self::write_skips(bw, skip_run)?;
312 skip_run = 0;
313 }
314 continue;
315 }
317 let mut bstate = BlockState::default();
318 bstate.calc_stats(&buf);
320 let dst = &mut dstrip[x..];
321 if skip_dist <= bstate.fill_dist {
322 skip_run += 1;
323 is_intra = false;
324 if skip_run == 1023 {
325 Self::write_skips(bw, skip_run)?;
326 skip_run = 0;
327 }
328 } else if bstate.fill_dist <= bstate.clr2_dist {
329 bstate.put_fill(dst, dstride);
330 if skip_run != 0 {
331 Self::write_skips(bw, skip_run)?;
332 skip_run = 0;
333 }
334 bstate.write_fill(bw)?;
335 } else if bstate.clr8_dist < bstate.clr2_dist {
336 bstate.put_clr8(dst, dstride);
337 if skip_run != 0 {
338 Self::write_skips(bw, skip_run)?;
339 skip_run = 0;
340 }
341 bstate.write_clr8(bw)?;
342 } else {
343 bstate.put_clr2(dst, dstride);
344 if skip_run != 0 {
345 Self::write_skips(bw, skip_run)?;
346 skip_run = 0;
347 }
348 bstate.write_clr2(bw)?;
349 }
350 }
351 }
352 if skip_run != 0 {
353 Self::write_skips(bw, skip_run)?;
354 }
355 if is_intra {
356 bw.write_u16le(0)?;
357 } //xxx: something for inter?
358 Ok(is_intra)
359 }
360 fn encode_intra(bw: &mut ByteWriter, cur_frm: &mut NAVideoBuffer<u16>, in_frm: &NAVideoBuffer<u16>, _quality: u8) -> EncoderResult<bool> {
361 let src = in_frm.get_data();
362 let sstride = in_frm.get_stride(0);
363 let soff = in_frm.get_offset(0);
364 let (w, h) = in_frm.get_dimensions(0);
365 let dstride = cur_frm.get_stride(0);
366 let doff = cur_frm.get_offset(0);
367 let dst = cur_frm.get_data_mut().unwrap();
368 for (sstrip, dstrip) in (&src[soff..]).chunks(sstride * 4).take(h / 4).zip((&mut dst[doff..]).chunks_mut(dstride * 4)) {
369 for x in (0..w).step_by(4) {
370 let mut buf = [Pixel16::min_cw(); 16];
371 Self::get_block(&sstrip[x..], sstride, &mut buf);
372 let mut bstate = BlockState::default();
373 bstate.calc_stats(&buf);
375 let dst = &mut dstrip[x..];
376 if bstate.fill_dist <= bstate.clr2_dist {
377 bstate.put_fill(dst, dstride);
378 bstate.write_fill(bw)?;
379 } else if bstate.clr8_dist < bstate.clr2_dist {
380 bstate.put_clr8(dst, dstride);
381 bstate.write_clr8(bw)?;
382 } else {
383 bstate.put_clr2(dst, dstride);
384 bstate.write_clr2(bw)?;
385 }
386 }
387 }
388 bw.write_u16le(0)?;
389 Ok(true)
390 }
391 }
393 const RGB555_FORMAT: NAPixelFormaton = NAPixelFormaton {
394 model: ColorModel::RGB(RGBSubmodel::RGB), components: 3,
395 comp_info: [
396 Some(NAPixelChromaton{ h_ss: 0, v_ss: 0, packed: true, depth: 5, shift: 10, comp_offs: 0, next_elem: 2 }),
397 Some(NAPixelChromaton{ h_ss: 0, v_ss: 0, packed: true, depth: 5, shift: 5, comp_offs: 0, next_elem: 2 }),
398 Some(NAPixelChromaton{ h_ss: 0, v_ss: 0, packed: true, depth: 5, shift: 0, comp_offs: 0, next_elem: 2 }),
399 None, None],
400 elem_size: 2, be: false, alpha: false, palette: false };
402 impl NAEncoder for MSVideo1Encoder {
403 fn negotiate_format(&self, encinfo: &EncodeParameters) -> EncoderResult<EncodeParameters> {
404 match encinfo.format {
405 NACodecTypeInfo::None => {
406 let mut ofmt = EncodeParameters::default();
407 ofmt.format = NACodecTypeInfo::Video(NAVideoInfo::new(0, 0, true, RGB555_FORMAT));
408 Ok(ofmt)
409 },
410 NACodecTypeInfo::Audio(_) => return Err(EncoderError::FormatError),
411 NACodecTypeInfo::Video(vinfo) => {
412 let outinfo = NAVideoInfo::new((vinfo.width + 3) & !3, (vinfo.height + 3) & !3, true, RGB555_FORMAT);
413 let mut ofmt = *encinfo;
414 ofmt.format = NACodecTypeInfo::Video(outinfo);
415 Ok(ofmt)
416 }
417 }
418 }
419 fn init(&mut self, stream_id: u32, encinfo: EncodeParameters) -> EncoderResult<NAStreamRef> {
420 match encinfo.format {
421 NACodecTypeInfo::None => Err(EncoderError::FormatError),
422 NACodecTypeInfo::Audio(_) => Err(EncoderError::FormatError),
423 NACodecTypeInfo::Video(vinfo) => {
424 if vinfo.format != RGB555_FORMAT {
425 return Err(EncoderError::FormatError);
426 }
427 if ((vinfo.width | vinfo.height) & 3) != 0 {
428 return Err(EncoderError::FormatError);
429 }
431 let out_info = NAVideoInfo::new(vinfo.width, vinfo.height, true, RGB555_FORMAT);
432 let info = NACodecInfo::new("msvideo1", NACodecTypeInfo::Video(out_info.clone()), None);
433 let stream = NAStream::new(StreamType::Video, stream_id, info, encinfo.tb_num, encinfo.tb_den).into_ref();
434 if let Err(_) = self.pool.prealloc_video(out_info, 2) {
435 return Err(EncoderError::AllocError);
436 }
438 = Some(stream.clone());
439 self.quality = encinfo.quality;
441 Ok(stream)
442 },
443 }
444 }
445 fn encode(&mut self, frm: &NAFrame) -> EncoderResult<()> {
446 let buf = frm.get_buffer();
447 if let Some(ref vbuf) = buf.get_vbuf16() {
448 let mut cur_frm = self.pool.get_free().unwrap();
449 let mut dbuf = Vec::with_capacity(4);
450 let mut gw = GrowableMemoryWriter::new_write(&mut dbuf);
451 let mut bw = ByteWriter::new(&mut gw);
452 if self.frmcount == 0 {
453 self.lastfrm = None;
454 }
455 let is_intra = if let Some(ref prev_buf) = self.lastfrm {
456 Self::encode_inter(&mut bw, &mut cur_frm, vbuf, prev_buf, self.quality)?
457 } else {
458 Self::encode_intra(&mut bw, &mut cur_frm, vbuf, self.quality)?
459 };
460 self.lastfrm = Some(cur_frm);
461 self.pkt = Some(NAPacket::new(, frm.ts, is_intra, dbuf));
462 self.frmcount += 1;
463 if self.frmcount == 25 {
464 self.frmcount = 0;
465 }
466 Ok(())
467 } else {
468 Err(EncoderError::InvalidParameters)
469 }
470 }
471 fn get_packet(&mut self) -> EncoderResult<Option<NAPacket>> {
472 let mut npkt = None;
473 std::mem::swap(&mut self.pkt, &mut npkt);
474 Ok(npkt)
475 }
476 fn flush(&mut self) -> EncoderResult<()> {
477 self.frmcount = 0;
478 Ok(())
479 }
480 }
482 impl NAOptionHandler for MSVideo1Encoder {
483 fn get_supported_options(&self) -> &[NAOptionDefinition] { &[] }
484 fn set_options(&mut self, _options: &[NAOption]) { }
485 fn query_option_value(&self, _name: &str) -> Option<NAValue> { None }
486 }
488 pub fn get_encoder() -> Box<dyn NAEncoder + Send> {
489 Box::new(MSVideo1Encoder::new())
490 }
492 #[cfg(test)]
493 mod test {
494 use nihav_core::codecs::*;
495 use nihav_core::demuxers::*;
496 use nihav_core::muxers::*;
497 use crate::*;
498 use nihav_commonfmt::*;
499 use nihav_codec_support::test::enc_video::*;
500 use super::RGB555_FORMAT;
502 #[test]
503 fn test_ms_video1_encoder() {
504 let mut dmx_reg = RegisteredDemuxers::new();
505 generic_register_all_demuxers(&mut dmx_reg);
506 let mut dec_reg = RegisteredDecoders::new();
507 generic_register_all_codecs(&mut dec_reg);
508 ms_register_all_codecs(&mut dec_reg);
509 let mut mux_reg = RegisteredMuxers::new();
510 generic_register_all_muxers(&mut mux_reg);
511 let mut enc_reg = RegisteredEncoders::new();
512 ms_register_all_encoders(&mut enc_reg);
514 let dec_config = DecoderTestParams {
515 demuxer: "avi",
516 in_name: "assets/Misc/TalkingHead_352x288.avi",
517 stream_type: StreamType::Video,
518 limit: Some(32),
519 dmx_reg, dec_reg,
520 };
521 let enc_config = EncoderTestParams {
522 muxer: "avi",
523 enc_name: "msvideo1",
524 out_name: "msvideo1.avi",
525 mux_reg, enc_reg,
526 };
527 let dst_vinfo = NAVideoInfo {
528 width: 0,
529 height: 0,
530 format: RGB555_FORMAT,
531 flipped: true,
532 };
533 let enc_params = EncodeParameters {
534 format: NACodecTypeInfo::Video(dst_vinfo),
535 quality: 0,
536 bitrate: 0,
537 tb_num: 0,
538 tb_den: 0,
539 flags: 0,
540 };
541 test_encoding_to_file(&dec_config, &enc_config, enc_params);
542 }
543 }